Thursday, September 6, 2018

Neither democratic, nor orderly, nor civilized

From at least as far back as Bush v. Gore, which substituted the Court selecting a Republican over the democratic vote for Gore, extremist rightism has been resorting to methods which are neither democratic, nor orderly, nor civilized.

A recent example: The occupant of the White House recently excoriated his own justice department:

Trump tweet: “Two long running, Obama era, investigations of  two very popular Republican Congressmen were brought to a well publicized charge, just ahead of the Mid-Terms, by the Jeff Sessions Justice Department. Two easy wins now in doubt because there is not enough time. Good job Jeff......”

As David Graham said,
"Trump’s tweet is so blunt one is almost tempted to look for deeper meaning. He’s saying the U.S. Department of Justice should be most concerned not with enforcement of laws but with aiding the Republican Party. Plenty of politicians are corrupt, but few announce it proudly from their Twitter accounts."

Here is a POTUS openly advocating the partisan use of the criminal justice system to aid his party, and in so doing, subverting the rule of law and violating the Oath of Office, in which he swore to defend the Constitution. This is neither democratic, nor orderly, nor civilized.

Yesterday the New York Times published an article in which a member of the White House staff reported that they and many of their colleagues are acting to protect the country from erratic, impulsive, and irrational acts by their master. David Frum and others have accused them of fomenting a constitutional crisis or a "coup against Trump," saying that they should use the formal means of the 25th Amendment or impeachment to protect the nation.

But it has been apparent for months that neither the House, nor the Senate, nor the Vice President will perform their constitutional duties to protect their country from this toxic presidency so long as they are getting activist judges and tax cuts for billionaires. The rule by minority and by unelected judges which they are now ramming down our throats will foment a calamitous backlash which will be neither democratic, nor orderly, nor civilized.

The extra-constitutional undermining of the current pretender to the throne is what happens when the House, the Senate, the Vice President, and the nominal chief executive all abdicate their constitutional duties. The inevitable has begun to happen. Neither democratic, nor orderly, nor civilized.

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

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